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Activate Your Life

Do not think what is HARD for you to master is humanly impossible; and if it is humanly possible, consider it within your reach.


~Marcus Aurelius

Transform your life with Misogi

A Misogi is a fully immersive action that is so deeply difficult that it has an impact on how you live the rest of the year. ​


Reasons to do a Misogi are personal. We suggest consulting your emotional mind, or that feeling in your gut, as to if a Misogi is right for you. 


Unlock Your Full Potential through Misogi

We encourage individuals to practice the Misogi ritual in the way that is right for them. Below is how we break down Misogis. It is neither right nor wrong, but an interpretation. We are here to help.


Additionally, all of our coaches are or have been in martial arts. Through years of training our coaches have developed discipline and a real world understanding of how to maneuver through challenges in life. 

Mini Misogi

  • 90-100% chance of completion 

  • Made to challenge beliefs or personal narratives. 

  • Physically not as demanding as other Misogis. 

  • ~3 - 48 hours in duration. 

  • Normally an action you don’t need to practice anything for, you just do.

  • Side note: These can easily be done without help, although a coach is beneficial to choose an action, hold you responsible to actually take the action, help facilitate,  and support the changes that come into light after the action.

  • Examples: Skydiving for somebody fearful of heights, a guided mushroom journey, going homeless for 48 hours, locking yourself in darkness for 24 hours.

Mid Misogi

  • - 75% chance of completion 

  • Made to challenge your narrative on what is possible physically. 

  • This ritual is meant to be creative and extremely challenging physically. It should not be just one thing (like running a distance) but many things that challenge you at once. 

  • ~6-72 hours in duration. Limited time to prepare 

  • Example: 4x4x48 challenge where it is challenging distance to run and sleep.





Max Misogi

  • - 50% or less chance of completion

  • Made to challenge the character of the person. The narratives you tell yourself on who you are will be challenged. It is a Physical, mental, and spiritual ritual  almost always in the outdoors.

  • This ritual is meant to be creative, physically demanding over time, and incredibly difficult to execute.

  • ~24 hours to 2 weeks (or more). 

  • Examples: Elk hunt in Montana, Walk a portion (or the whole) Pacific coast trail, 

  • The amount of logistics, time, money, effort etc is large.

  • A coach isn’t a must by highly recommended for all the above reasons times 10!

  • There are two rules to a Maximum Misogi. 1) It must be perceived by the doer as near impossible for them. 2) They must not die in the attempt.

Team Misogi

  • 75% or less chance of completion

  • A team Misogi is a lot like a Medium Misogi but for typically 2-5 people

  • It will challenge individuals weaknesses that may be strengths for others on the team

  • The challenge will rotate so all members' weaknesses get challenged

  • If one person quits, the Misogi is over

  • ~24-48 hours








 Interested in a Gentle Art Lifestyle coach helping you complete your journey?

 Click below to receive the Misogi survey. Once completed, a Gentle art lifestyle coach will then contact you as to next steps. 

Do something difficult
Take pride in your actions
Love yours
Prove you are capable
Clear your mind
Live off script 
Suprise yourself
Create your own narratives

We can help.

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Want to connect & learn more? Head to our Contact page.

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